
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Festival of Needles

Today, the day for the Japanese Festival of Broken Needles (hari-kuyo), I started a Needle Book project that I've been wanting to make for many years.

Thank you, Carol-Anne.

If it hadn't been for you, I wouldn't have thought to find a way to celebrate my needles on this day.

On your urging, I used this day to make a Needle Book -- a place to store all of the needles that I use in my needlework.

Unlike the Japanese, I'm afraid I did sew today and will continue to sew into the evening trying to finish.

It is bringing me great delight to create this storage space. And I know, without a doubt, that I will be grateful every time I use it to have all the types of needles I use in one place.

And thanks to Hari-kuyo, I made a special place in the back of my book to hold those needles and pins that have fallen in the line of duty.

Next year, on Hari-kuyo, I will have saved them so that I may properly lay them to rest and say my prayers of gratitude.

Carol Ann wrote a wonderful post about her relationship with her Japanese embroidery needles.

Jane has blogged about Hari-kuyo on Japanese Embroidery.

Stitchin Fingers is participating as members upload pics of their needles, pin cushions and needlecases.

Jane of Chilly Hollow Needlepoint has also blogged about the day.

And to all of you...

~ May your Needles continue to bless you with Peace of Mind and Beautiful Stitches ~


  1. Needleworker's samplings also has a write-up on The Broken Needles festial

  2. What a great idea Susan! I have to do something like that

    Have a great Hari-kuyo!

  3. What a lovely book to keep your needles safe and handy. Great idea. How nice to honor the hari-kuyo tradition. Happy stitching and February Hearts to you...

  4. As always, you inspire me!

  5. Susan, your tribute to needles is inspiring. There is a lady my needlepoint class who is proud of her curved needle. She says it wasn't curved when she first got it; says it took a long time for it to get that curve. Gotta love her spirit.

  6. Lovely idea, and all of my needles deserve praise, so its something I will definitely try. Thanks Susan

  7. Your new needle case is beautiful and I love that you have made a resting place for retired needles. I had a wonderful evening, following all the links to blogs about Hari-kuyo and seeing all of the wonderful needle cases and pin cushions on Stitchin Fingers.

    Shall we do it again next year? :-)

  8. Hi Susan
    I would love to see a pic of your completed project. I have never had a needle book. I tend to keep needles stored with the projects I use them on, or in a drawer in one of my storage units, then I am forageing through them all when I need a replacement. Even though you are sewing, its an excellent way to honor your tools...making a place of honor for them.
    xx, Carol

  9. I've been meaning to make a needle book for a while now. What fabulous inspiration!

  10. I love the book and would really like to see the finished project. I, too, like the idea of a place to put needles and pins to rest!

    Thanks for sharing!


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