
Friday, December 31, 2010

Magic Ripples and the Red Hat Root Beer

Happy New Year everyone! I'm just back from spending lots of time with my family, playing games and laughing and eating and laughing and eating and playing more games...

I have to catch you up on some of the Christmas happenings. This year was definitely one of the most thoughtful years of gift giving and sharing that we've ever had. I can't cover it all today but I'll give you some highlights.

On my bed lays a pink and white ripple afghan that I've had since my grandmother made it for me when I was ten years old.

It's pretty important to me and both Jim and Jack know that I believe it has magical protective properties sewn into every stitch.

This Christmas Jim and Jack commissioned my niece Carolyn to make a wrap, in the same ripple-style and colors of the afghan on my bed, so that the magic would go with me wherever I went. It was quite the team effort from idea generation, to sourcing, to supply gathering and then knitting...

Evidently, it took some finding to locate just the right pattern and yarn but they did it.

It's knit in the shape of an "L" which I really like...and the pattern was in the Spring/Summer 2010 Vogue Knitting on page 104.

Here's the wonder girl who knit it for me with her lucky boyfriend Andrew.

(Sorry Andrew. I'm partial. I admit it.)

Carolyn is the oldest of the nine nieces and she was a knitting machine this year...cranking out mittens for almost everyone and a stocking for her sister...and she credits it to being out of college and not having homework every night....

Here's the only picture of me wearing the scarf.

Not sure who took the picture but it's also the only picture of I have of Jim's apron....

It says "I cook for my nieces 'cuz I love them to pieces" and it has nine puzzle pieces for each niece to decorate and sign. My brother and his four girls made it for him and he ADORES it!!

My brother's four girls also had a very special gift for me.

This beautiful handknit scarf...

I love the pom-poms. And the reminds me of candy...

The two oldest girls took turns knitting it together...

They rock. Another team effort.

And last but not least...they gave Jack the perfect present.

Jack happens to be totally addicted to root beer and can wax poetic about which brands have the best flavor. Well, my brother and his four girls brewed Jack up his own brand of root beer!

It says...

Jack's Red Hat Root Beer is blended with magic from Jack's Red Hat. The magic comes from days on the beach with cousins, trips to Dumser's (an ice cream store), and fun in O.C. This refreshing Root Beer will quench your thirst, make you laugh, and give you memories that last forever. Enjoy!
And that's just the tip of the iceberg on the magic meter! So much to get caught up on and projects to start for the new year.

Give me a few days to make the rounds to your blogs. It's great to be back.


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Happy New Year Susan - I hope the magic of your Christmas continues through 2011 and beyond.

  2. You certainly had a Christmas full of magic! Seems like your family is just full of handmade talent and creativity! LOVE IT!

    Wishing you the best in 2011!

  3. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Your shawl and scarf are simply beautiful. I will be putting on my to do list to take pictures of the afghan my grandmother made for me when I was a child. It, too, is pink and white! We are ghan sisters! Mine is granny squares and the pink is not as subtle as yours. It keeps are feet warm on these wintry nights. ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  4. How can there be more? I was overwhelmed after the ripple knit scarf! What fabulous gifts!

  5. Ok, NOW, you are forgiven, I had been left pining away in hopes of a new blog entry each day-- to find none *sobb* but this one definately makes up for it. What a blessing your family and blog have been to me.

  6. this kind of gifts is the best! Best wishes for you and your family.

  7. How lovely all the gifts were and you are so correct about the gift of time and thought put into each and every one. Hand made from the heart is the very best gift ever! Happy year ahead...

  8. Susan you and your family are the perfect example of what a family should be. I think I will move back east and adopt myself to you

  9. Have a magically happy 2011, Susan! Did you get your hair cut? Love the pompom scarf!

  10. I noticed that haircut too. Looks great! Funny how popular pink is this year. I've become addicted to it and everything I see that I love is pink.

    The gifts were so thoughtful!! and Creative!! All of your family antics over the years have inspired those kids well. Or were they Labors of Love!>!

  11. What creative gifts. The givers were creative and thoughtful, and it's clear your family loves handmade gifts, which not everyone can say.

  12. what an incredibly creative family!!! i love it...looks like a great time was had by all :) Happy New Year!

  13. Coming to your blog is like being warmed at a joyful hearth, alight with family love.
    Happy New Year to all of your clan!!

  14. What an awesome family you have. the story of the scarves brought tears to my eyes.

  15. what beautiful gifts! I love the handmade ones the best. I love your photos of Shirlee's embroidery. I can't believe I found your blogs. Now all this blogging makes sense...



It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!