
Sunday, December 5, 2010

Seashells and Jingle Bells

Each year, my crazy quilt group has an ornament exchange.

Last year was the only year we didn't exchange ornaments because we all felt we were too busy.

The lack of the ornament exchange made us all a little sad. It's so wonderful to make a gift and receive a handmade gift that we vowed to try to never let that happen again.

Even though I hadn't started my ornament as of last Thursday, I was dedicated to whipping something up pretty quickly so I didn't skip another year.

I hadn't cleaned up my work table from the haute-couture necklace so I used materials I already had lying around. I guess one day I'll make something that doesn't have aqua in it...

But I don't know when...

I wanted to use the octagon shape of my bead journal piece, A Daughter's Valentine, that I made a few years ago...

But it didn't turn out exactly like I had hoped. (That's what happens when you wait until the last minute, Susan) After finishing the stitching, I realized that I would have liked to "frame" the piece with a much wider octagon sashing like the one in my other piece.

Alas, I had no time to do that so I decided to ruche a ribbon edging, bead it, and forego my dreams of wider sashing to a later date.

I love using that Italian metal mesh ribbon they sell in the bead stores and wanted to make my own seam covering by shaping it into hearts.

I tacked the metal ribbon down first and then intended to sculpt the ribbon into heart shapes. Tacking the ribbon first didn't leave me enough ease to really sculpt the ribbon like I wanted so next time I'll sculpt first and tack later.

All the shells, except the pink cups, are from my recent trip to the Florida Keys.

Tomorrow, I'll tell you about the ornament exchange and show you the ornament I received. She's a real beauty...

In case you missed them two years ago, you can see the jointed bear cq ornament I received here and the ice skate I gave here.

Happy jingling.


  1. gorgeous as always!

  2. You surprise me every time I look at your blog. Beautiful..... The lady who receives this will be well pleased. You have such a good group. Wish we had this here as I love crazy quilting but don't have many ladies to share or make a group. P.S. thanks for the information on the shawl. Will get at it in the new year. Lise

  3. Hi Susan!
    Show us your Christmas tree. I'll bet its very Victorian Glamorous!

    Your exchange ornament is perfect...So Susan. Its a treasure.

    Merry Christmas

  4. This ornament is so beautiful and refreshing. I love how you incorporated the Italian mesh ribbon and shaped it into hearts. Happy exchanging...

  5. Anonymous1:46 PM

    It's beautiful - I'm sure it will be treasured by your exchange partner. The ice skate and the other pieces are gorgeous.

  6. susan dreams of the keys,
    as she works with aqua beads, seashells and such,
    she always stops a'fore it's too much!

  7. Lovely! You have a special touch!

  8. The ornament is so beautiful! The skate one is also amazing.♥

  9. Absolutely gorgeous! I love it!

  10. Your mesh ribbon seam covering was a great idea, and it is always so helpful to have people mention when they think their first method could be improved upon!

  11. I'M THE ONE WHO GOT THIS ORNAMENT!!!!! I am so happy to be the proud recipient of this and it is even more beautiful in person than in her wonderful pictures. It is particularly funny that I should pick this ornament because before we picked I had mentioned that the Sailor's Valentine was one of my favorite of her posts. AND THEN I PICKED IT! It was such a fun day and I feel very fortunate to be a part of this group. ALL the ornaments were beautiful.
    Thanks Susan and you other Crazy Ladies.
    Maureen in Maryland

  12. You have such a wonderful group of friends from your crazy quilt gals to your athletic friends but it takes a good friend to have good friends. I know from reading your blog all this time that is who you are.

    I envy you the shells. None of thos in central Florida. I think we will have to take ourselves to the seashore for a couple of days.



  13. As always - I am utterly amazed at your talent in crafting and beading~~ this was a beautiful post. Your ornament is so lovely - I cannot even imagine what it would be like to recieve such a gift in exchange. This truely takes my breath away!

    Your talents are amazing!!


    ps - that ice skate - oh my gosh - I am head over heels in ove with it also!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!