
Friday, October 1, 2010

A Wrist Corsage and a Rite of Passage

I'm not sure what I was thinking when I decided to make the wrist corsage myself.

In fact, I was in the grocery store this afternoon when all the other moms were coming in to pick up the wrist corsages they ordered for Homecoming...and I was just picking out the flowers, having only 1.5 hours to make the thing.

Well, I don't have any in-process pics because I was too stressed and nervous...since this was my very first corsage and all...

I picked up an inexpensive fake pearl bracelet at Target and sewed a "platform" which consisted of a piece of plastic and some wire sandwiched between two pieces of velvet ribbon. Long story short, it turned out nicely but I was afraid that the whole thing would fall apart before the night was over...

So I told Jack not to tell her that I had made it.

Just in case.

When he got home last night, his head was a-swim with confusion about girls and girl behavior...wondering why there were awkward moments and silences when they didn't know what to say to each other...and he listened to Jim tell all of his horror stories and youthful screw ups when it came to girls...

Amidst all that teen angst, I didn't have the heart to ask the question I most wanted to know...

"So, how did the corsage hold up?"

Here I am, in the midst of his trauma, thinking all about better wrist corsages that use only ribbon flowers, fabrics and millinery. How I could add different components to personalize it for each girl. How much prettier they would be than what they're selling for $20...Heck, it could revolutionize the wrist corsage process!

And poor Jack is thinking he'll never get invited to a dance again.

He really is saddled having me as his mother. Poor guy.

But this was one of my favorite parts of the pick up...

His date's Dad wanted to make sure he came and shook Jack's hand and give him the Don't-Mess -with-my-Daughter Look. Which, he did.

And all her siblings poured out of the car and ran around the front yard until they were promised donuts for getting back in.

I think Jack wanted to go with them.

Chocolate donuts are a lot less confusing...


  1. That is a beautiful corsage - and a handsome son.

  2. Your corsage was beautiful! Your son is handsome, and his date sweet and pretty. I would NOT want to be that age again. :-)

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

  3. First I want to say how handsome Jack is. He won't have to worry about being invited to a dance, even if your corsage did fall apart. I have 2 daughters 17 and 24. Over the past 8 years I have made numerous wrist corsages and boutonniers. Always fun and stressful, like you, wondering if they would hold up!

  4. Well, I made the flowers for my neices wedding. If mine held up, I am positive yours did. I would expect nothing less than you making the coursage. It was so much more beautiful than anyone elses, I am sure.

    I wish my Corey was as sweet as your Jack. Corey is so full of himself that I bet he dominates any conversation with a girl. Thankfully, he is too into sports right now because the girls drive by the house and yell his name. He's interested, but busy.

    Ky will be my lady killer. So sweet. The perfect gentleman, much more like your Jack.

  5. ...bellissimi fiori. Brava !! ciao Vania

  6. I made my own wedding flowers. We were broke they cost £8.00 for the lot. If I can do that then you would have no problems with a corsage. Beautiful work as always. Your son and his date looked great. Have a lovely weekend.

  7. Oh how pretty the corsage came out! Even it if did fall apart I wouldn't worry - even the ones fromthe florist end up in pieces! Nice job. I have 3 children 2 girls in their early 20s and my son who is 3 years old. I go a little teary watching your handsome son going to his first dance - very handsome boy. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Jack's date really looked like she loved the coursage and you have the photo to prove it. Beyond that, why worry about how it held up? She had a terrific young man to go with!

  9. Oh Oh I have some of that ribbon... Someone special sent it to me! Corsage is lovely but what is so special is that Jack feels so comfortable sharing his anxieties and feelings with you... Forget the corsage ....cherish that and get Jack a chocolate donut on me!!!!

    Hugs Ger

  10. What a handsome son. Your corsage turned out beautiful!!! Have a great weekend. Wendy

  11. I'll bet your corsage is still beautiful, Susan. Now there's another career for you! Our DD has a friend who does flowers on the side and did her wedding flowers. My corsage was also on a pearl base, but was about an inch wide...had never seen that before but it was very comfortable. Great photos of a cute couple! Hope that he had fun. What a tough age....teens. BTW, he's very lucky to have you as a mom, and I'll betcha he knows it!

  12. But just look at that FACE! How could he NOT be asked back?!

    And your corsage is *beautiful*! I don't know how you have time to do it all...

  13. What a beautiful corsage! and what a beautiful couple they make! (not to speak of the parents apparently as nervous as the kids :-))

  14. Darling Susan... your corsage is probably the best this amazingly, pretty girl will ever have worn and your son will never mess with anyones daugther because he has you as a mother. Now, never be in doubt again! XO

  15. finestkind x 10! you are the greatest mom!

  16. LOL! (re Jack going with his date's siblings!)

    Lovely corsage! Good work!

  17. I can just imagine how stressed you were making that corsage, but what a wonderful way to take part in your son's "rite of passage."

    Jack's a lucky son to have a Mom like you - and I guess the reverse is true too! You must be very proud...
    - Susan

  18. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Oh you made me chuckle :0)

    What a lovely looking couple they made - your corsage was beautiful and extra special as you had made it.

    Despite all of the awkward silences I hope they had a lovely night. Still giggling about your stressing and "Dad's" talk afterwards though.

  19. I LOVE this story! The corsage is beautiful- I wouldn't expect anything less from you. I agree with Gerry in that it is great Jack feels so comfortable in confiding in you. I hope my son will be the same! (I would have been the same though- wanting to know HOW the corsage held up!) LOL!

  20. Lovely corsage, you did a great job - I would never have guessed you spent so little time on it. Great photos, your son is so handsome!

  21. Beautiful cosage! I can imagine Jack's date was thrilled with it! Poor Jack, girls can be so hard to understand and dating is so confusing! As charming as he appears in your photo's, I'm sure he will be invited to MANY dances!

  22. You did a lovely job on the corsage. But what is even more extraordinary is that your son let you photograph him and his date and post it on your blog. That would never happen in my house! LOL!!!

  23. Lovely corsage!! Your son and his date looked so happy!

    Too funny about the donuts being less confusing!

  24. You did a beautiful job. The bonus is that you got to distract yourself from the nerves about The Date. Maybe more moms should make corsages.

  25. One brave lady to take on making the "girlfriends" corsage. It came out much prettier than the store bought variety!! You did a great job! Your Jack must be a very easy going kid to allow you to do such a thing... Boys at that age can sometimes consider their parents to be total embarrassments to themselves.

  26. They both looked very happy and just didn't know to that those awkward silences are NORMAL....and such great photos you took, as always!
    The corsage was indeed lovely...
    ...and I just loved the girl's Dad and siblings coming to scope everything out. Too darling!

  27. What a beautiful corsage. I love this story as I see shades of it in my not so distant future as my sons get to that age. Funny thing is I would want to ask the same thing and then I would be concerned about his questions!! ~Nancy

  28. Cute corsage Susan, I dont know that you have a blog too:) its so nice ti visit you here.. hope you did like to pay a visit to my blog i.e

    I am sure you did enjoy my last two post..

  29. You are such a wonderful Mom!!!! Poor Jack trying to figure out the fickle ways of women!! His date is so cte, what a brilliant smile and Jack is so handsome- I am sure that with jim's help and yours as well, that he will anvigate these years wonderfully well, but there is no way to avoid the teen angst!!! My son has yet to go on any sort of date and he is a Freshman in college. Hopefully I will get to experience some of the dating scene with teenage Becca but then what AM I SAYING????? SHE IS NOT ALLOWED to GROW UP!!!!!!

    The corsage is stunning BTW!!!!

  30. Hi! I just saw a bit of your work over at Craft A World, and I had to pop in for a visit. OMG, your stitching is amazing! My mouth totally fell open as I looked at your things!...Jack and his date are adorable and your corsage came out just lovely!...I was Homecoming Queen way back in 1977, and that dance was just magical. Oh to be 17 again! Have a wonderful day! :) Paulette

  31. Surely the loveliest corsage at Homecoming.

  32. My what a handsome couple. Now I think that Jack is very lucky to have you for a Mom and his date would have been very proud to know that you made the corsage especially for her. Lucky the girl that gets you for a Mother-in-law one day (not to mention Jack for a husband).


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