
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Too Haute for Me?

A few months ago, I mentioned that I intend to enter the Haute Couture Beading Challenge sponsored by Bead Artist Christina Nelt of Good Quill Hunting.

In fact, Lynn of Beading Heart Art sent me the link and suggested that it was the perfect contest for me since I am often inspired by haute couture fashion.

Immediately, I was drawn to this beautiful gown of blues and greens...

So I got a collection box together and began gathering items in a similar color palette. Though the majority of the piece has to be seed beads,

I thought I would use some fabrics and ribbon as well.

As I was getting ready to start, I went to check on the deadline for the competition, remembering that it was sometime in November. And THAT was my big mistake.

OMG, there were LOTS of entries already. And they are ALL stunning!

Holy Smokes! What was I thinking? Check out this beauty...
And this one....

And this one...
Each one is more gorgeous than the next...Check out all three pages starting here but put your drool bib on first!

OK. I'm stuck between completely admiring each one of these pieces and hyperventilating over the creativity of the entries AND feeling completely scared to death and intimidated about even entering.

I'm trying not to think of what I'm not (like a jewelry designer! or a bead artist!), I really am...

I just have to remember why I was excited to participate in the first place. I'm not entering because I thought I might win.

I am entering to be a part of something I think is really cool.

To stretch my wings. To grow. To be challenged. To create. To learn something new.

After all, the woods would be pretty silent if only the birds who sang were the best singers or only the best birds sang or...

I can't remember the quote exactly but you know what I mean.

I have NO idea how I'm going to make those smooth, flowing ruffles yet. But, I'm off to start playing.

And I am NOT going back to check on any more entries. No way. Not until I get mine finished.

Edit: The quote is...

Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best.

~ Henry Van Dyke

*phew* That was bugging me...


  1. Anonymous1:31 PM

    What a gorgeous colour pallet you have chosen - you can do this.... you may not consider yourself a bead artist but you are that and more to me and lots of others I am sure.

    So stop hyperventilating, stop with the silent (or not so silent) panicking and go do your magic - play with your needle, your beads, your ribbons and your threads and I for one can't wait to see what you come up with as everything you do is enchanting and unique.

    Sing little song bird... sing :0)

    Luv Shell x

  2. Definitely not too haute for you! I'm hoping you'll give us some glimpses into the work in progress. The colors you've collected are yummy!

  3. Oh my! I love the colors you have chosen....I have complete faith that whatever magic you work will shine!

    Get to it - I can't wait to see what you create!

  4. Good luck. We're in your corner cheering for you.

  5. i want to jump into your palette and swim with the fishes!

  6. NOT too haut for you, for sure!

    Let your mind fly and your hands work! Go, go, go you can!:)

    Good luck, Susan!

  7. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Your work is always fantastic. I love seeing photos of your creations. The colors you've chosen are my favorites. Just go for it. You always inspire me with whatever you do. Jane In MO

  8. I love the proverb you mentionned. Well, the most important thing is that you take pleasure to make it !
    And your work is always beautiful - if not as technical as the one you have seen.
    So go on !

  9. Silly you!

    That collection box has you off to a good start. Your creativity is amazing. I have been waiting to see what you would come up with. You say you are not a beader, but we have seen some of you beading and you ARE an artist. Now set your sights higher because you are thoroughly capable of winning and she's got some great prizes!!

    So get to it.

    Christina is a friend of mine and I can tell you, she will be thrilled for you to enter.

  10. Wow,that is gorgeous!I love your ideas of combining the fabric with it.What you could do it cut the ombre silk(?)that is pleated,at the pleats,for the ruffles,perhaps.Something like that.I'm totally in love with that fabric,by the way.Where did you get it?
    Just go for it!I entered the FMG contest when i was scared and like,OMG,everyone has such great ideas.I didn't win,but i did create a beautiful piece. :)
    I didn't know about this contest,maybe I can enter it next year,if they do it again.It's a very cool one.Just looking at the entries and your post have inspired me to make something...hehe.
    And that's one of my favorite proverbs,since I love singing.

  11. You will do just FINE, Susan, and I can't wait to see what you come up with. Saving the best till last....when is the deadline anyhow?

  12. Take a deep breath, start creating and don't look back!! You will have something fabulous in not time!!!

  13. Don't be daft girl! You are an individual and easily have as much if not more creative talent than most of what I saw!
    Do it anyway! Grow with the flow!
    Love the colours in your box... would love to play with the contents..... divine ocean colours indeed!
    Breathe and go girl!


    Sandie xx

  14. I stand amazed! Can't wait to see what you create. Don't be freaked out. You are amazing!

  15. I can understand that you feel scared and intimidated, that's perfectly natural and the examples you showed us are pretty stunning.

    Ok, now put those images out of your mind because, lovely as they are, they are not you, not what you do. You're not a jewelry designer but you are very gifted bead artist and when you have worked your own kind of magic on your entry, they are going to be in awe of your unique and exciting tallent.

    Just focus on the gorgeous gown that insprired you in the first place and the beautiful supplies you have brought together and start singing.

  16. Sing your own song: it shall be beautiful. Your colours are yummy. Can't wait to see what you create!

  17. These are all my favorite color pallette...the colors of a beautiful peacock. In your talented hands you will create a masterpiece and I look forward to seeing every detail of it. Happy beading...

  18. Oh that is one of my very favorite quotes!!!! You need to just forge ahead and create for the joy of creating in your own very spectacular way!!! You so love the theme and inspiration whatever ou create will be absolutely wonderful> Those dresses are over the top!! I love the irregular flounce on the pink one so cool!!!
    That is one of my favorite color pallettes and all that you ahve gathered already is such fun!! That pleated ribbon is just glorious!!! I can't wait to see how you go with this!!

    Into the FRAY !! NO FEAR and no more peeking!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Oh, girl, you are up to any challenge! Your work is not only expert (How can you possibly know so many incredible techniques?) but also unfailingly original. I can't wait to see what you make!


  20. No one else will create something like you. Free your mind and believe in yourself. It's not about winning anyway.

  21. Stretch your wings, sweetie, and enjoy the journey... that's what counts!

  22. Have courage and go for it! I'm sure you will produce something fabulous and learn a lot along the way.

  23. The colors and dress inspiration you picked are Gorgeous! And, frankly, if anyone can create anything that stands up to and surpasses the entries already displayed, you can, Susan! The things you do with needle, thread, beads, fabric, fibers, ribbons... well. They're amazing! You'll do a fantastic job, and it'll be fun for the rest of us to watch it unfold! I'm looking forward to your "journey"!

  24. You go girl! Jump into that pond and swim a while! What a glorious journey you have begun!


  25. "Ruching" might be a good key word to add to your list.

    Of course you can do it!

    And you've picked the best (to my eye) entries from the 3 pages too - just to make it hard for yourself!

  26. Okay, I just wiped all the drool off my keyboard! Go for it. I know you will make something beyond amazing.

  27. I can't wait to see what you do, I'm sure it will be gorgeous and unusual(as usual).


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Have a wonder-filled life!