
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Still Rowing...

And my rows are beginning to ruffle...

That's a good thing.

Now I'm off to help a teenage boy who needs a costume at the last minute...


  1. I am so in love with what you are doing!! I really can't wait to see what you come up with!

    Oh, and you'll have to post the teenagers costume!

  2. where did you get the boat? way cool. i am wondering what jack will be.....?

  3. I would not try the "rowing
    on the water because you would have a very leaky boat..

    It is looking lovely and the colours a just beautiful...very ocean like

  4. Looks like your gathering up your long and winding road? Very nice! Would you believe DD1 wore an ancient costume from her youth to GS's classroom? I'm still laughing. So, don't forget to save that costume you're fashioning!

  5. Last minute costumes are always the best fun!

  6. Beautiful! And I love the rowboat!! Perfect. Watery. Love it!

  7. Sheila10:47 AM

    Row, Row, Row
    Your boat,

    Gently down
    the Stream

    Merrily, merrily,
    Merrily, merrily,

    Have a Happy

    Wheeeeee! :)

  8. I can't wait until you unveil your project!

    Please share Jack's costume with us, I bet it will be fabulous. My son dressed as a calculator for a party last night. He was, after all, a math major and is now in statistics...

  9. WHERE on earth did you find that tiny little row boat with oars even.... ? And when is the deadline for this project...? I'm so anxious to see it and do we get to vote???? Ditto on pic of Jack in costume.... Gerry K.

  10. Looks very beautiful - I love the colors !

  11. These colors make my heart sing!! Love it.


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