
Friday, October 8, 2010

Book Giveaway

Well, since I'm stuck cleaning and organizing, I think you all should benefit in some way.

So, I'm giving away the following 5 books of which I have found I own duplicates...

(A clear indication that I need a library catalogue for all of my books!) are the five books:
  1. A-Z of Bullions from the Publishers of Inspirations Magazine: A great how-to with over 120 bullion roses and figures
  2. Embroideries and Patterns from 19th Century Vienna: This book is absolutely gorgeous and one of my favorites...for the person who loves those old, hand-painted woolwork and berlinwork patterns...a history resource as well
  3. Drawn Fabric Embroidery from Agnes M. Leach
  4. : A hands-on, step-by-step how-to guide for how to work drawn fabric stitches
  5. Royal School of Needlework Embroidery Techniques: This book is a classic and the hardcover is now out-of-print

  6. One Bead at a Time by Robin Atkins: This book has been retired, is out-of-print and is signed by the author herself. Robin has generously offered this book through her website as a free downloaded e-book . But maybe someone would like this hard cover??

If you are interested in winning a copy of any of these books, please...

Leave a comment and tell me which of the books you would prefer...Number 1 through 5...

You can ask to win multiple books. Feel free to enter for one book, for all the books, or for any combination in between. I'll enter your name in the drawing for the particular book you've requested and draw the winners separately for each book.

Leave your name AND your email address so I can contact you. If you do not leave your email address or you do not share your email through your blog profile, I have no way of contacting you.

I'll announce the winners next Monday morning and send the books via media mail next week. And yes, I will send to my international friends. No problem.

Have a great weekend everyone, and good luck!


  1. Anonymous8:49 AM

    I would love to have the Drawn Thread Embroidery book, number 3, for my library. I really enjoy that technique, and that's a book I don't yet have.

    Please enter me for that one!

    Carol S.
    carolsylvester at frontiernet dot net

  2. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Ohhhh, fantastic giveaway Susan and so generous of you. I'd love to enter for book number 5, One Bead at a Time.

    I think my email address is on my profile but just in case it's

    Good luck to all who enter and thanks once again x

    Michelle x

  3. Anonymous9:02 AM

    I would love to have either the drawn-thread book or the RSN book.


    elizabeth_magaletta at yahoo dot com

  4. What a fantastic giveaway! I would love to win any of these fabulous books, but I would prefer to win the Royal School of Needlework Embroidery Techniques. I have just been stung by the CQing bug, and this reference book would be wonderful to have! Thank you for the opportunity!

  5. Oh my goodness! I'd love to have any of them.

    Thank you for being so generous!

  6. I like book 5 "One Bead at a Time by Robin Atkins"

    Thank you for the opportunity!!! ;) and book

    I hope to win!!

  7. Fantastic giveaway! I would love book 1, 4 or 5, if possible. And you can easily catalogue and organize your books on the website. You can even buy a barcode scanner on their page so you won't have to enter every title by hand.
    Jade in Hungary

  8. Hi Susan,

    Book #3 (Drawn Thread Embroidery) interests me very much because it is a technique I have not tried. My email address is:

    When you clean/organize... we all win. Ever hopeful. Robin King, Memphis, TN

  9. Oh, oh, How could I resist the offer?
    It is so nice of you!
    I'd love to have either #3 or #5
    (drawn thread or beadint).
    My email: veronique.marouze at

  10. I would love to win one of these fabulous books. All of them look so inspiring it would be hard to choose… but, how about 4.

  11. oh my such an enticing books..sure would like to have any but prefer Book no4 Royal School of Needlework Embroidery Techniques
    Thank you Susan for such a generous give away..

  12. Most of what you do is way too advanced for me, but I'd love book #5!

  13. Oh Susan! How much fun is this!! You are so generous to offer these books. I'd love to have any of 1,2,4 or 5. Count me in!! (How many days till next April? lol)


  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. You are so generous! I would absolutely love any of those books, even the one that's available for download because I so prefer a hard copy. I think the one I'd love most of all is number 2, but would really love to receive any of them. Thank you for sharing from your bounty!

  16. Definately numbe 1. I just recently learned the boullion stitch & love it. Thanks.

    charry0 at

  17. oh wow, how generous! I'd like any of the books at all as I have a craft book addiction (see the list in my sidebar on my blog), my first choices would be #1 or #4 but I'd love to own any of them.


  18. Hello! I'd love to have 3 or 4 if I were ever so lucky! Thanks for the offer!


  19. What a wonderful giveaway! I'd like to be entered for #1, 2, and 5please. My email is


  20. I would love to have number 1 but if that is taken number 5 is my second favorite.

    I need to do this sometime. I have several books and patterns that I bought not knowing that I already had one.

  21. Hi Susan, I do the same thing when buying books, I can't remember if I have it already or not and so I give or swap my doubles with friends. But I see one you have that I don't and I would really like to try my luck to see if I'm not to late to get your A-Z of Bullions. Lucky or not... I am looking forward to meeting you in CT. Hugs, ~Ing

  22. #5 The bead book looks facinating. I like the free form look on the cover. Thanks for a chance to win.

  23. I am thinking since I just purchased, Jane Nicholas "Bettle Collection" that book #4 may be a good companion to it. (The beetle book arrived yesterday and it is a fabulous book, thanks for introducing me to Jane's work)

  24. Oh RSN...RSN please I deserve it because I have the crowns to wear while stitching from it and if I win it I will build a throne to match...... Hugs Gerry K...I'll even come and pick it up!!!

  25. Thank you for such wonderful giveaway, Susan!

    I would love to enter for book number 3 - Drawn Thread, or number 1 A-Z of Bullions.

    Thanks not forgetting the overseas friends :)

  26. I would love the 2nd book! Thanks for having a contest!

    v1313 at


  27. I have #1 and can STRONGLY recommend it! Those are such a great series!
    I would love to own 2,3,4 and 5 also. Duplicates - I have to see if I have any also, lol.
    This is so nice of you to do. I love reading your blog...and you have caused me to buy many a product! So far I have loved all of them! Thanks for all the good advice.

  28. What a lovely give away! I'd love to be entered for books 2 and 4! They look like wonderful resources!

    I'm pretty sure you have my e-mail, but here it is again, just in case!

    Blessings and peace,

  29. I would love any and all of these books, but especially 5, 4 and 2. Thanks for the opportunity!

  30. i would love to have #5 the Bead Book to gift to a friend of mine. she has become non-ambulatory and spends much of her time beading, which she can do from a chair; this book would give her a lot of pleasure, i am sure, and she would enjoy the creativity and dialoque.

  31. hi, this is Monica and i forgot to give you an email address in case i win book #5 beading to give to my friend. my email is thank you.

  32. Hi Susan
    This is a very generous offer.
    Finding anything you forgot you have? That always happens to me. Now, I am waiting to find a stuffed doll blank I know I have but can't find and ordered more of. I'm sure it will turn up tomorrow. Right after the mail arrives!!

    Put me in your drawing for any book except 5, as I have a signed copy already.

    Have a great day!!
    xx, Carol

  33. oooh how generous! I would love #4 to help with my embroidery and #5 because I'm a longtime beader!

    thank you!

  34. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Love your blog! Truly my favorite blog to check in on.

    All the books you are offering would be welcome, but if I had to pick one, #5 would be first choice and #4 second choice.

    I am responding from work (during lunch!) so have to be "anonymous" but you can find me at hextat AT

    Alice A.

  35. What a fantastic give-away. I would love books # 2 Embroideries & Patterns from 19th Century Vienna and #4 Royal School of Needlework.

    My email is in my blog profile.

    Thank you for this give away.


  36. I'm trying to figure out if we're supposed to rank our choices or just pick a favorite? Anyways, I would love to win number 4, but if I got to pick a second choice it would be number 2.

  37. Sue, could you enter my name for the A-Z boullions book as a first choice or any of the others. Thanks, Debbie (Maine)

  38. Wow ! Such a nice giveaway ! I think I would like to try for #1-3-4 or 5.
    I have not seen any of these or have the first book on this type of work even though I do alot of it.
    My Mom has some in the back of a quilt book but that is all I have seen
    Thank you for the chance to win.

  39. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I would love to be entered for either 'Embroiders and Patterns from 19th centurey Vienna' or The Royual School of Needlework embroider Techniques (this one looks particurly handsome and useful!).

    Carol Wong


  40. I don't win these sort of things but since I've been really wanting to get back into doing embroidery and your blog is an inspiration I have to put in and hope.

    I would say books 2 and 4 would be my first choices but any book would be lovely to have.

    Thank you for offering them!

  41. Wow! How generous. I LOVE your blog. You are so talented!! I already have Book # 5, so any of the other books would be fine, if I am so lucky.

    Your blog fan,

  42. Hi Susan I would love to have book no. 5 One bead at a time, its one I dont have. I have spent my day looking at the Beadworkers Guild at the Knitting and Stitching Show at Alexandra Palace in the UK and its fabulous. I was helping out (fantastic learning curve) on the Japanese Embroidery Guild stand at the same event. Back there Saturday and Sunday to help!!!! again. Take care have a special weekend.

  43. I so enjoy your blog, your photography is stunning. Thanks for the opportunity for the giveaway. I would be iterested in books 2 and 4. Thanks, Darlene in MI

  44. Woweee!Put me in for 1,2,3 ... (already have #5) First choice would be #1 as I recently got my first Edmar threads and milliner needles. I am no longer a boullion virgin. hehehe


    PS.. I think you should consider stuffing the drawing box and give the RSN to Gerry K with the stipulation that she post a photo of herself perched on that throne, wearing her crown and reading the book!!

  45. Oh, yummy... put me down for 1,4 and/or 5 please, Ms. Susan... thanks for the giveaway!!

  46. I would love #5 - One Bead at a Time. I'm not keen on online book reading. I like it in my hands.
    Thanks for the chance at winning.

  47. I would love to be entered for books 4 and 2. Such a wonderful giveaway !

  48. Forgot to give you my email
    thelma_bradshaw at

  49. What a generous offer you're making. As a Down Under embroiderer who has periodic cleaning and organising purges, I would love to be part of your giveaway. The books are all beautiful but, for me, 2, 4 and 5 would be so nice.
    Thank you for sharing your talent, your family, your finds and even your creative 'mess' with us.

  50. What a generous giveaway, Susan. I’d love to be in the running for the Embroideries & Patterns from 19th Century Vienna. Berlinwork and embroidery is so very beautiful. And second choice is the RSN book (and I have to laugh at Gerry K - I don’t have a crown like her, but I DO have a tiara and wings, LOL). Hugs, Cathy

  51. what a wonderful give-a-way!!! i cant believe you had duplicates of all of these in your must have one impressive library!!! :) i would love to be considered for book one or book two in the give-a-way...of course all 5 are wonderful, but i dont want to be greedy ;) thanks!!!

  52. What a wonderful give away! All of these books are wonderful and I'm sure anyone could spend hours looking through them. Something about "One Bead at a Time" intriques me.

  53. Wow, those books are beautiful! I'd love to enter your drawing for books 1, 2 & 5. There are going to be some very lucky people in a few days.

  54. I had a chance to examine the bullion book in Colorado last week and I was hooked. Bullions can become anything! From baby carriages to giraffes. If I was lucky enough to be a winner that would be my choice.
    Diane in Ontario

  55. Gosh, miz Susan, this sure is nice of you! Ok, I'm toss'in my vote for #4 - dang that could be helpful for the current work I'm doing...crossing fingers over here!! And you know where to find me, bead sistah :>]]

  56. Hello Susan:)

    I love ALL books! They seem absolutely fantastic!

    Please enter me in!

    elazarczyk at gmail dot com


  57. Hello Susan!

    I love ALL books! They seem absolutely fantastic!

    Please enter me in!

    elazarczyk at gmail dot com


  58. What a generous heart! I would love to have A-Z of Bullions!!!

  59. This comment has been removed by the author.

  60. wow, great giveaway! I have no one of these books in my library yet,and of course I would love to have all of them. But number 1, 3 and 5 would be the most perfest gift for christmas.
    Goog luck to all and thank you!

  61. Wow, this is wonderful!
    I would like to be in the draw for book number 5. Thankyou.

  62. Wow, what a fantastic giveaway. I do not know if I can take a chance ?
    If yes, I'd love to enter to book 4 - royal school of needlework embroidery techniques.
    Have a nice week-end

    Elena (Coeur de freesia)
    elebouquin at free dot fr

  63. My goodness, I would love either 2 or 4. How very generous to offer such a great giveaway. Blessings

  64. I'd like number one or number four. Like I needed any more books. Thanks for the giveaway.

  65. Wow! What a generous offer! I'd love a chance at #1, A-Z of Bullions!

    Judy in OKC

  66. Hi Susan. I've been away for a break and, as you can see, I've been playing catchup with your blog. Hope I'm not too late to put my name in for a couple of books.

    I'd really, really like that RSN book so please include me in that draw. I'd also like the drawn fabric embroidery book, so please include me in that draw.

    Now, I don't want to be greedy so if by unimaginable good luck I won both books, please redraw the drawn fabric book and share the luck around, I'd be thrilled enough with the RSN book.

  67. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Oh how wonderful!! I really don't need any books either but I would love to have Book no 5 since I still regret not taking the classes with Robin.

    And since I am at it I would love to be included for book no 4 which looks just yummy!!

    Thank you Susan and I hope we can get together soon.

    Maureen (

  68. How nifty! I would love a chance to win #3 (Drawn Fabric Embroidery) or #4 (Royal School of Needlework).

    eternalartsandcrafts at hotmail dot com

  69. Anonymous11:07 AM

    All those books look like they would be great resources but I would especially love the Royal School book. Thank you for the chance! Nancy D.

  70. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I would love "The One Bead at a Time." I have been trying to teach myself how to bead from books and by reading different blogs. I particularly enjoy your work. The pictures you post are gorgeous and so inspiring. Thank you, Jane from MO

  71. I love that! Great giveaway. my choice: 1 or 4. I already have the "one bead at a time"
    thank you, have a nice day

  72. Oh wow, I would love to have book #2. I love craft/stitching/sewing books. Thanks so much for your generosity.

    em081106 at hotmail dot com

  73. Oh my! All of them look so tempting, but I already have number 1 (A-Z). So, please just include me for numbers 2-4. Thanks!
    shaw dot kathy at yahoo dot com

  74. What a fantastic giveaway! I love nr. 2, 3 and 4. And I love your blog too :)))
    Good luck for all!
    my emailadress is
    tunde dot oravecz at gmail dot com

  75. What a generous blogger you are!
    I would love the book (no 5), 'One bead at a time', if I should be so lucky!
    Such a lot of entrants....who knows?
    Sandie xx

  76. Anonymous2:30 PM

    Por mim gostaria de ganhar todos, mas não é justo , outras também querem e como eu admiram esse tipo de trabalho. No meu caso o livro de número 5 de Atkins Robin realizaria meu sonho de ter um livro desses. Obrigada pela oportunidade.doris e. lassen brasil. Bjos

  77. It's amazing how we end up with duplicates of the same books or other supplies. How generous of you to hold a giveaway. I would love to read any of these books, especially the Royal School of Needlework or Drawn Thread Embroidery. Thanks for sharing your wonderful works via the blog. :)

    keilimoo at

  78. Just found your blog via Craft Gossip - gorgeous work!!!!

  79. I can relate to having duplicate books - that has happened to me several times. I have two friends at work who have benefited my accidental purchases.

    I would love to win any of these, but my first choice would be the beading one.

    Sue Jones

  80. Aren't you generous! I would love to own Agnes Leach on drawn work. It is one of the most attractive forms of needlework. Thankyou for the kind offer.

  81. What a wonderful, generous giveaway! I would particularly love to add #2 and/or #5 to my stash of books. Thanks so your blog, and read it every day!


  82. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Iwould love to win any of the books but my favoriters would be 1,3, and 4. I am a new embroiderier and have found the A-Z books excellent references.The guild book on the embridery would be a great reference to learn from and a great book to see other peoples work. I have not done drawn work yet but have found it very interesting. Thank you for the great giveaway.

  83. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Iforgot to leave my email although I thinkl I am a follower or just have read your blog alot. My email is comment #82 karmicraft. Thank you again

  84. Anonymous12:34 AM

    I would love to enter for book 1 -A-Z of bullions and also for book 4.
    Thank you very much and goodluck for everyone.
    uma ravi

  85. I would love the 4nd book! Thanks for having a contest!

  86. Wow, I almost missed this one.... I'd love to win any or all the books.
    How generous of you to give these treasures away.
    Best wishes for a happy weekend. In Canada, it is our thanksgiving weekend and one of the things I'm thankful for is having friends like you!

  87. How generous! Would love to be considered for book 4. Thank you, Pamela

  88. How generous of you to give away the books of which you have duplicates!
    I'm really interested in number 2 since I'm from Vienna myself. But winning number 4 would also make me very happy :)

  89. What a great giveaway!!! It is so generous. I'd love to get the book number 3 the most, but also would be glad to win 1, 2 or 5, they could be useful for me.
    laukiu.laisku @

  90. I'm drooling for #4 the Royal School of Needlework and #5 One Beadh at a Time. Please put me in the running! Angela aka lady (dot) hawthorne (at) yahoo (dot) com

  91. I would love to win Drawn Fabric Embroidery. Thank you so much for your generous offer.

    Merry G.

  92. All are merveillous!!!!

    Fantastic giveways susan
    You are so generous
    best regards

  93. Fantastic giveaway...:) i would love to have Number 2 and 3.
    Please enter me too!

    Dagne R.


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!