
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer's Here!

And I'm not ready yet! I need a stitching plan and quick! Otherwise, the entire Summer will whoosh by without me ever picking up a needle...

I found that last Summer having the structure of Summer Charm School really helped me to carve out some time to stitch each week.

Ready or not, he's home. And gone are those long chunks of uninterrupted stitching time.

I'm not complaining. I love having him around. But I love to stitch too and want to find a happy balance.

Maybe we should start Summer Stitchers Anonymous (SSA) for anybody who struggles to find adequate time to stitch in the Summer months due to travel, kids or just more time spent outdoors.

Do you guys have a Summer stitching plan? Maybe I can cheat and copy yours...

OK. Off to figure out my plan...before Jack comes back again...


  1. Hi THere! Summer here has been quite elusive; in fact it feels like fall with long days! We nearly drowned yesterday on our walk, and my shoes are still wet. Maybe you could do Charm School #2 or work on some UFOs? Someone on my blog list does a Power of Ten thing where she lists 10 projects to complete. Don't know whether you have that many, but I do remember a rainbow shawl that you put away...... But do enjoy those warm days and doing stuff with Jack; high school goes by really really fast!

  2. Its funny that you made this post today. I was just thinking about Charm School. Could this year have passed so quickly!

    As you know, I had a lot of time this past weekend to think about a variety of things. I really DID think about Charm School and what a good idea that was. I wondered what you would plan this year, because I was sure you would form an idea of how to focus on needlework again this summer.

    So, since I hav a few minutes to spare, I think I'll post a blog.

    Thanks for reminding me.

  3. There are two things that will keep me indoors...when the temp goes below zero or above 90... so I know July and Aug will get lots of stitching time... Now tho I am struggling..I need a plan NOW!!!And as said....just enjoy Jack because they are gone...really gone ...sooooooooooooo fast...
    Hugs Ger.

  4. I was just going to complain that not enough stitching time is the story of my life and that if you come up with a SSA perhaps I can adapt it to a FTWSA, full time worker's stitching association ... then I read the comment left by Judy S.

    Enjoy Jack, the stitching will wait.

  5. How about stitching with Jack? When my son was that age he would actually bead with me, and his choice of colors and designs was great. That phase passed,but perhaps Jack would like a stitching challenge for this summer - it would certainly be something he could boast about when he starts dating!

  6. I am going to continue working on my quilts, as usual, so no help there. I suggest you look thru the books you have, like you did with Charm School, and see what you can do more of. I know there were a few things you wanted to try again....and yes, please get that shawl out!

  7. Oh me too! We're having a blast so far, but it's really tough cramming in my stitching. I know our "stitch night" where we get together live and in person helps!
    Maybe we need an online "stitch night"?

  8. i am not very good at utilizing my time...especially with a little one and definitely not in the summer. in fact, i do very little quilting (its just too hot to get under a quilt), so i decided to do some embroidery during the summer months instead. i work in the evenings when we are watching a movie, etc...and that seems to be going along nicely. i have about 6 pieces already drawn out so that i can jump right into the next project after one is completed. We'll see how that goes though :) good luck...let me know if you come up with a clever way to stay on track...i may have to copy you!

  9. How about a journal- ajournal of future projects, idea's thoughts and happeneing. IT will probably inspire you to stick on small projects to commemorate time. Beach time with the family. this is probably the year to do it as Jack looks and I am sure acts alot older than he is. A Journal project on paper and on fabric might just fit the bill...... He will need some time doing his own thing and you can do yours so pack a supply kit to have along!!!!

  10. Okay, since I didn't know what Tambour Beading was, I did a Google search. On the images page is a link to your blog. You had posted the most beautiful pictures and then I scroll down to see who your teacher will be. What exquist work he does. Lucky you to be taking such a class. Lexington is one hour away and when that Japanese exhibit comes next year I will go see it. The weather here in KY is hot and HUMID
    so dress accordingly. While you are here if you need anything contact me I will be glad to help. I am so excited for you what a lovely skill to master.

  11. The part I like about summer is not really having a plan - just enjoying the break from routine and making art when I can. Sometimes I bring my embroidery into the garden and it becomes a lovely way to enjoy stitching and the beautiful weather. But you are far more disciplined than I. I look forward to seeing your summer creations!

  12. We always had the "5 to 7 Rule" when my boys were growing up. That was their reading time, 5 nights a week (Fridays and Saturdays were off). It was just a part of our day out here in the country...
    ...and it gave me my regular stitching time.
    They got used to it and now have very fine vocabularies! Every summer I got to choose one book that they had to read too, "Mom's Choice". There were some good ones...All Quiet on the Western Front was one....Mila 18 another. War stories, you know, with some history thrown in....

  13. Well, I can't believe this Summer has started so HOT in the MidWest. My Summer plan is to redo the inside of the house. Not really remodeling, but pull down the wall paper, repaint the whole downstairs, and turn the dining room that we never use into a studio as the light is wonderful in there. Also, since I really met my match with the Tambour class taking 3 days just the figure out the mechanics of the hook, I'm going to practice 1/2 hour every day.

    have fun in

  14. I do most of my stitching in the evening. It's cooler and the outside activites are done. btw - I love all your pictures of Jack! What a character...he always has the greatest expressions on his face!


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Have a wonder-filled life!