
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Catch-up List

  1. Right after I returned from my tambour beading class, I went to Cambridge, MD to swim and bike in the AquaVelo of the Eagleman triathlon. The 1.2 mile morning swim in the Choptank River was my favorite part...the fact that the heat index was over 100 degrees on the bike was not. The fact that I lived and didn't end up in the medical tent was another highlight.
  2. Jack is now in a walking cast but I'm worried that he's melted into the couch...his mind has turned to mush from all the TV/video games/computer games with which he's been spending most of his time. I'm making him get out of the house today and he insists on calling Child Protective Services.
  3. I'm taking an online Art Class (I've never taken one before) called The Experimental Art E-Course taught by Amelia Critchlow and I'm having fun playing with lots of different art materials. I'd like to use them on fabric. But I'm woefully behind.
  4. I'm also taking an online class from Betty Chen Louis taught through the Shining Needle Society. We're stitching City Scapes and learning how to combine shading and different types of threads to create perspective in our needlework. I'm behind on that one too.
  5. By default, I have become the family/friend photographer which means, since I shoot in the raw, I have a lot of pics now to upload from various functions...and I'm way behind. I think I have like 1,000 pics from 4-5 major event to "process"...I am, however, proud of this shot of my father's best friend from his 75th birthday party...
  6. I just finished reading Little Bee by Chris Cleave and enjoyed it so much that I selected it as my July book club choice -- thought-provoking and a fast read.
  7. I just put eggs on to hard boil and, for the third time this month, forgot to take them off in time. It seems I only remember that I put them on the stove when I hear the first egg POP and smell the odor...Luckily I caught them before they all explode and send egg all over the kitchen walls...That's only happened to me once. Yes, I know...why haven't I set a timer?? I don't have an answer for that one...dain bramage?
  8. My BIL Jim brought over a signed Michael Oher Ravens jersey last week (you know, the football player whose life story was made into the movie The Blind Side? Well, Michael Oher plays for the Baltimore Ravens -- my home team). The jersey was to be auctioned off at a fundraiser and my BIL asked me to frame it. It took some figuring but I was glad with how it turned out....and we couldn't believe that it sold for $775!!
  9. Jim and I went for a walk in our park (aka Patapsco State Park) on Father's Day. We had our eyes open for Orioles...we've seen a number of them this year. Instead, we saw our first scarlet tanager. The male is a beautiful scarlet red. the fact that the bluebirds moved back into their birdhouse over the weekend, it's been a banner Summer for birds so far!
  10. My friend Jill got good news from her biopsy post-surgery. The cancer was found in only one lymph node so she has Stage II cancer with a high likelihood of recovery with no recurrence. YAY!


  1. Glad you survived that race, Susan, congrats! Heat, even with humidity, sounds enticing at the moment, and I never expected to say that. Nice that Jack is on the mend and in a smaller cast, especially in the heat. Did you know that spaghetti squash will explode in the microwave? My sister was not impressed with my demo on how easy it was to cook! Sounds like online classes are this summer's focus? Can't wait to see photos of some of your projects. Yesterday must have been bird day: we saw a heron and a red-bellied sapsucker. Whoever named the latter?

  2. I knew you were away when you weren't posting.

    So glad about your friend. Such good news.

    I can't seem to focus at work or at home. But I gave the dogs a bath and believe me, that was a big undertaking.

    Glad your birds are back. I miss my bluebirds, but I can't protect them from the sparrows so I just enjoy what I have.

    Slow down girl. Take a day to relax. And put a book in that boy's hands!! ~lol~

    I am making my boys earn game time. Computer gets equal time to other activities. One works outside, the other reads. Its working very well, but then, I am not home all day, but I monitor their progress. They call me Guistopo.

    Have a great day!!
    xx, Carol

  3. You are one busy woman!!

  4. Lists are good:
    1. to organize your overloaded brain
    2. to just blank out any non-necessity that absolutely means life or death
    3. to clean out your system
    4. .....
    5. just kidding. You have to take your foot of the gass though or you will POP.
    Let Jack call child protective services so they can laugh at him. And YES, your pic of your fathers friend is absolutely fabulous: from looking at this picture I get to know him.
    OK, just one more:
    100. take good care of yourself (although this should be nr. 1)

  5. I too love that picture of the gentleman!
    I had no doubt you would survive your thriathlon.
    Your egg story makes me feel less lonely...
    Take care, and let the boy deal with children care services!

  6. You certainly pack a lot of living into each of your days! I'm exhausted just reading about it!!! lol I had to laugh at the egg thing...sounds like me!

  7. What a fun post and all such great news. Especially Jill's diagnosis! Give her gentle hugs from her online rooting section! ;-) Also, congrats on your triathalon, picture-taking, and EVERYTHING you pack into your life! Wowsers! BTW, I've done the egg thing too. It's a source of lots of jokes around our house. At least we're in good company, eh? Big hugs, Cathy

  8. What a lot to comment on! Great for you in the race!! I am impresssed. Jack will return to his normal self and you have too many pretty things to make without social services getting in your way. The egg thing what fun would setting a timer be. Great picture of the birthday guy! I saw an unusual bird Sunday haven't looked it up yet. And great news on Jill we have all taken her to our hearts and we are grateful for good news.

  9. You're supposed to set a timer for eggs? No wonder I undercooked mine last time.... Congrats on the race (and surviving this Mid-Atlantic nightmare of a heatwave). The pic of your dad's friend is absolutely fabulous! I can associate with the processing of pictures -- it's so easy to get carried away with a digital camera. The on-line classes sound interesting. I got as far as buying all the materials for one a few years back but I've moved so many times since everything got separated. Stay cool!

  10. yay jill!!!!

    so what did jack do outside in the heat? melt his cast off?

  11. I can't even imagine a triathlon.
    Your photo of your dad's friend is a good one.
    I started Little Bee and put it down and forgot it. I'll have to get back to it. (And probably need to restart.)
    Yea!! Good to hear Jill's news is so positive.

    Sew Many Blessings
    Needle & Fabric Art

  12. Great news about Jill. Wow, the portraite is wonderful, his family will treasure that.
    Love Dee's comment about CPS laughing at Jack and Judy's tale about exploding squash.

  13. That is wonderful news about Jill. It can make such a difference in her treatment and outcome.

    I just heard yesterday that another good friend from my Questers group was just diagnosed with 3rd. stage BC. They are giving her chemo first to try and shrink the tumor before surgery. Now you have given me hope that maybe hers will be less then they thought. Incidentally her name is Jill also.



  14. I think with your on line classes and things to do with Jack you will keep pretty busy. Glad Jack is doing better. He will be so glad to be able to do everything again you will have trouble holding him back.



  15. Great news about Jill!!!

    And LITTLE BEE was a great discussion book for my book club last year.

  16. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Glad the you survived the AquaVelo! I'm curious about how you trained, as I may want to do one myself someday.



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