
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Boston Marathon

[Warning: Picture-laden post. Download at your own risk.]

I have never been to Boston for the Boston Marathon. I had no idea that it is held on Patriots' Day...

and that the State of Massachusetts shows up in full-force to line the entire 26.2 mile route -- including eight different towns -- to cheer on the 22,000 runners!

22,000!~ My three good friends from home qualified to participate...Tonie, Laurie and Kathleen...

And so my friend Maura, myself and some of their families all traveled to Boston on Saturday evening to cheer them on. On Sunday, everyone went to the huge expo at Hynes Convention Center to pick up their race numbers...

The marathon check-in process seemed like a well-oiled machine, processing 22,000 runners almost effortlessly.

The expo had tons of giveaways...Here's our youngest paparazzi modeling his new headband...

The rest of Sunday we spent walking through Boston. The Public Garden was absolutely glorious...

And this guy reminded me of my last bead journal piece...I have dreams of setting up an easel in a beautiful garden and painting just like this guy...

We loved this shirt in the Nike store but quickly became angered that the shirt only came in Mens' sizes -- So Maura marched straight up to the counter and asked, "What? Are you saying that women can't be wicked fast runnahs?" They had no answer. And their pink and purple pretty-shirts for the women didn't appeal to us.

On race day, our biggest job as personal paparazzi was to try to station ourselves along the course so we could catch a glimpse of our friends. The hardest part was trying to find them in the 22,000 crowd of runners. And the miles and miles of spectators!

Photo from the Boston Globe

The Boston Globe has some great photo galleries of the crowd...including this picture of the women of Wellesley (see more here)...

Luckily, we had a sighting at mile 17...

Now, don't they look pretty happy and spry for having run 17 miles already??

And here's Chief Paparazzi Maura on the far right capturing the moment for all three -- pink shirt, pink flower and orange flower....we gave them the flowers in their send off packages to wear during the race.

We saw them once again at mile 24 but the finish line was too much of a zoo so we had a pre-arranged meeting spot. All three ladies ran an amazing race and were so fast that they qualified to run again next year -- and that isn't an easy thing to do!

So, with medals around their necks, they celebrated with calls to home and bubblegum cigars...

And wax moustaches...

And lots of pictures...

And where did Alice show up in any of this? Well, we were challenged by Time and were continuously late meeting up with our friends because we had to take pictures like this...

And before we had left home, we had given our runners special elixirs to drink for good luck...

And I'm happy to report that they worked. So, if you'd like to try it's the recipe...

See you next time with some needlework...


  1. What a FUN time!! I love it that they all wore flowers. I can just see your friends grabbing those Country Patriots for Pics. Those guys were having a great time and certainly loved the attention.

    I think there is a Party whereever You go!!

    xx, Carol

  2. oh I miss Boston So !! Thank you so very much forr sharing your fabulous photos with us!!! The Boston Marathon is A HUUUUGGGGEEE EVENT for the entire metro area and you were so lucky to ahve such fabulous weather!!! In past years it has been everything form snow, sleet and rain to 90 degrees. Spring time in New England is so fickle!!!! Boston in the Spring-
    did you ride the swan boats ? Did you see the make Way for Ducklings statues on the north side of the garden??? You must go back!! Boston is such a fabulous town! I lived there for 10 years after college and met my hubby there!!! Youa lways do things so very well! Huge congrats to your gal pals!!!! i would have bought that T-shirt anyway!!!!!!

  3. ... and you were sure to let us all share in the fun you had! You make me smile at a hard day! Thanks.

  4. These are great pictures, Susan! Ditto what Carol said. I agree, there is a party wherever you go. I love the smiles you capture with your camera. Looks like it was a wonderful time!

  5. Beautiful pics!! Beautiful smiles, people, friends, families, need to say more!

  6. Thanks for the picture ladden warning; where was the tear jerker warning? You and your girls are awesome.

    You should start selling your special elixirs, every one in the world needs some.

  7. Looks like great fun! Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos and recipe for running success.
    I finally have posted about the Hand and Lock Embroidery Lecture!

  8. Beautiful photos Susan! These ladies are indeed Wonder Women, t-shirts or no t-shirts.

  9. Thank you for sharing your experience with us. Beautiful pictures of beautiful people!

  10. Congratulations to the 3 superheroes! Thanks so much for sharing these awesome photos with me! 'Love Beantown!

  11. Great post as usual! It looks like an exciting day.

  12. Looks like you all had a wonderful time! That garden you took pictures of? My brother-in-law had his wedding photos done there and they were GORGEOUS. Hubby and Kiddo were in that wedding and I have some beautiful photos from the garden that July day.

  13. Oh thank you for this post! I was wondering if YOU were going to run it it actually! How awesome that you went to support your friends and the marathon itself. I think on the same day there was the Vienna Marathon so that's all we heard about over here. I relative of mine one ran in the Boston one but I didn't realize it was such a big event...I mean, I knew there were lots and lots of people in it but that's about it. Thanks for the enlightenment!


It's always a happy day when I see that you've stopped by and left a note. Thanks for taking the time to send me your beautiful thoughts. I try to comment back when life isn't too hectic and when Blogger has your email.

Have a wonder-filled life!