
Monday, March 29, 2010

Waiting for the Flowers

I'm still making leaves today.

But I'm in good company...

All around me the world is making leaves too...

And though I grow weary of stockpiling leaves, I have fallen in love with green...

And know that green is the perfect background for showing off the colors of flowers.
I cannot wait to see them. And by the time they come, I am so ready for them...

And aren't we lucky that we are able to embroider them...

So we can have them with us all year long...

To make us smile and feel good inside when it's cold and rainy outside...

Until the sun comes out and the world blooms again.


  1. Thanks for a nice springy post, Susan. March seems to be on its way out like a lion here; we have temps. in the forties today after a record high last week in the seventies. Crazy!

  2. Green glorious green!! Love it all! We have Bradford Pears blooming and the earliest cheery trees are out and the tulip magnolias. Some of the magnolias got nipped by the cold the other night and have turned brown- boo hooo!
    We are that much further ahead than you are but it is always so worth the wait and will be extra wonderful this year as we have had so much rain!!!
    Happy Leaves!

  3. OMGosh, I have waited so patiently.
    I watched the male sparrows sitting on the houses waiting for a female to hear his call. We watched two squirrels gathering leaves and carry them up to the nest. (Did you know the male helps the female?) Where are my spring flowers? Weeds started flowering. Where are my spring flowers?

    This morning I looked out the window and guess what???Daffolils. Yay!!

    Arn't YOU going nuts over the cherry blossoms?

    Happy Spring.

  4. Ah, Susan, how beautiful...
    OK, it is now official: your blog is every bit as much about photography as it as about needlework. And in your hands, the two art forms definitely enhance each other!

  5. Susan, your photographs are beautiful. As are your created flowers. Thank you for making them part of my day.

  6. Springtime in Maryland, a good plan! I love the spring green color as the trees and bushes begin to leaf. Thank you for the first view of springtime. Heavenly!

  7. Really gorgeous photography, Susan. Thank you!

  8. How I love these images! Spring seems a long ways off here in the mountain desert of the southwest and in truth often misses us. Seeing all these lovely bits of new green growth lift my heart! And such lovely bits of embroidered and beaded flowers and leaves to go with! Delightful!

  9. Beautiful post and photos. Nature is indeed making our inspiration during this time of the year.


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