
Monday, March 22, 2010

My Idea of Tweeting...

From whom else but that spirited, whimsy-of-a-wonder, Betsey Johnson in her Fall 2010 collection.

You know you want this hat...

Check out the story of the Etsy designer here...


  1. Um, no, sorry, I don't want this hat. Enjoyed the pics of it though. :-)

  2. I love me some artistic genius- good, bad and ugly! If nothing else, it makes me laugh. Thanks for my morning chuckle!

  3. Not only do I want that hat, I'd wear it.... I wear any hat that hides my "bad hair" life and the funkier the better...

    Gerry K.

  4. Love the creativity, but sometimes one just has to wonder......

  5. Hmmmm, only if that bird is well trained to only deposit eggs! But I think our cats would covet it....
    You didn't mention her gloves though. Now there's an answer to hide my smashed fingernail!

  6. OMGOSH!! You know I want that hat. I'm a huge hat person and would so so wear that hat!! I might just have to make one.

    Yep this is my idea of twitter....uh...tweeter....tweets....whatevER.

    xx, Carol

  7. Love the pictures, love the quote!

  8. As soon as I saw the agl in the first post, my inner voice said "Someone has been very inspired by Betsey johnson!' I can't believe that I was actyually correct!! I remember when Betsy first cam on the fashion scene. I adore how she puts color and pattern together!! Just brilliant- and I must say that I am pretty proud of myself as I would not know a Delaurenta from a DKNY if it hit me up the side of the head!!!!

  9. Maybe not so sure about the hat...but the clothes are amazing! Love the cut, fabrics, colors, attitude. They do what clothes SHOULD do for a woman: turn her loose!

  10. Now, that's a bit, or should I say a lot, of creativeness. For anyone who covets that hat, I have a pattern for making fabric birds on my blog.

  11. The hat is not so much my style but I would love to wear some of those clothes! They probably would look awful on my extra large body but it sure would be fun!!

  12. Sweet! I know modeling would be a tough job; but wow! to be able to wear those fashions..... What a blast (as long as that hay wasn't as slippery as I think it would be)

  13. Oh, I HAVE to have a pair of those dark red fishnet gloves!

    Love that the materials they/she is using!


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