
Thursday, March 4, 2010

And the Artist was Happy...

And so was my friend Maura -- She was the winner of the purse and bought it for $275! Maura was also the one who invited me to participate -- she's been on my blog before -- incredible Iron-Man-athlete-mother-of-five, humanitarian, and very very good friend...

And here is me talking with Pearl. Pearl fell in love with the purse, with all of its details and the little cards --

And the beautiful lady to the right is my swimming friend Natalie (she's been on the blog too since we swam Alcatraz together) -- she has that funny look on her face because Maura (who wanted the purse) is taking the picture...and Natalie was there to watch the table and drum up the price...and to protect Maura's interest. So Natalie is keeping tabs on Pearl's bid so she can report back to Maura... And my sister came too to support the event but I didn't get a picture of her *frown.

Anyway, imagine our delight when the bidding closed and Maura had won!

But the only problem with one person winning is that somebody has to lose. So, unbeknownst to me, while I was celebrating with Maura and Natalie, Pearl was very sad.

Pearl had bid $250 and lost.

So, Pearl and I agreed that if she were to donate $250 to the Women's Giving Circle, I would make her another Giving Purse...

And then Pearl was happy. And Pearl wanted to make sure that The Giving Purse II would still have the little cards included...

And I said, "Of course. It wouldn't be The Giving Purse without them." And now I'm off to find out more about Pearl and how I might make her purse unique.

And to all of you, I hope you'll take this card, print it out and fold it and pass it on.

As a sign of my thanks to you for all of your enthusiastic comments. I enjoyed each and every one. And for those asking how you could bid, I did check into that but they did not have an online auction option this year.

I didn't take many pictures but I thought I'd show you a few of the other purses...This one is made by a wonderful woman named Karen Geary. It's a bra...a big bra...and you're staring at one cup of the bra.

The two women who bought this had gotten it for their friend who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.

And this bag was knitted with wire by glass artist, Bonnie Granek.

And this one was a ceramic purse (actually there were two in different colorways) made by artist Rebecca Bafford...

The whole idea of the Power of the Purse was great and I loved meeting the other artists and the women who attended the event.

So, I'll leave you with this last contribution by artist Trudy Babchak...

The donated artwork raised close to $2,500 for the Women's Giving Circle of Howard County. It's amazing what women can do when they get together.


  1. Good job, Susan! Your purse was awesome, and a great interpretation of one of my favorite books. What perfect stem stitching you do, BTW! And nice of you to make Pearl happy as well, but then you have one really BIG heart.

  2. Both Pearl and Maura are LUCKY ladies! You are generous of heart and spirit to make another purse like this. An online auction would be a fine idea...

  3. So really your purse made $525 ... that is awesome.

    Both Maura and Pearl look totally delighted to have won but who wouldn't, it is just wonderful.

    Well done you and all the other artists. I loved the purses you showed.

    Good job spring is coming as you now have to grow some more leaves. I wonder if Pearl would like and tree in autumn colours so that each bag is unique.

  4. You are incredible, Susan!
    We use to say (i'll translate to the letter): if you didn' exist, you must be created lol!
    You are doing a great job!

  5. Wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  6. WOW! that must have been something.
    And you made two happy ladies, and I'm sure you are happy you did.

    BTW, I love the red jacket...

  7. I am delighted to read that your purse raised so much money.

  8. Congratulations on such a wonderful outcome! Both ladies are very lucky!

  9. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Well, I think both of their faces express their total joy at being the owner (and soon to be owner) of the giving tree purse(s). You all look like you had a wonderful time and have raised a fantastic amount. Well Done!

    The other purses are nbrautiful too - what a special thing you have all done.

    Hugs Susan....
    Shell x

  10. Anonymous2:25 PM

    That was supposed to say 'beautiful' ! Lol

  11. Congratulations! You can be very proud of the job you have done! I can just feel Maura's excitement coming through in that picture!

  12. Just read your 111 post and what a very very very good friend Maura is. If anyone deserves to own this giving bag it is her, no doubt about it.

    I read the post you linked to with tears in my eyes. It is a wonder that at hard times people like Maura exist and do what they think needs to be done, asking nothing in return, just for you to be happy and feel that warm big hug they intend.

    If you see her again, tell her thank you for me, for being such an awesome friend to you. Because that is what you deserve too.

  13. Wonderful wonderful -- I'm glad to hear that purse made everyone, especially Maura, so happy. Can't wait to see what you cook up for Pearl! Howard Co is lucky to have you ladies.

  14. How lovely....I knew I wouldn't have a chance because it was so fabulous...But if I'd been there she's had to gone higher still.... Everybody's a winner and that is what it should be...

    Gerry K.....

  15. What lucky ladies Maura and Pearl are!!! Mega KUDOS to you for making such an amazing item for such a worthy cause. I am going to share your posts with our local Women's Philanthropy group.

  16. Wonderful! Especially your purse and the your story of friendship.

    Of course, you have to know that I'd appreciate the bra bag after the dozen "bra potpourri" ones I made for my friends.

  17. Susan, It was so wonderful meeting you. I just stumbled across your blog through the WGC facebook page. Thank you for posting about the bra purse that karen made and donated and my friend who the purse is for. What a wonderful event, filled with such amazing women. It was a pleasure to meet you. Your work is fabulous. Let me know when you need help with that logo.


  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Dear Susan
    Happy Day, Happy Giving

    So like you to offer to make another purse and to personalize it properly. Actually, that second purse will be even MORE special than the first since it will be given in the true spirit of giving. This is such a generous gesture.

    Thank you for the card. I have been thinking of doing just such a think. I was in Michaels last week and struck up a conversation with a lady after she apologized for taking up room in the area I was looking. At the end of our conversation she reached into her purse and handed me a zip lock back with a lighthouse ornament in it she had made with a nice saying on it. Basically kindness is the light of life. I liked that gesture so much, I was thinking about how I could pass it on. Then you posted your purse post and now I have a copy of your card for an idea.

    You, my friend, are the light of life and you continue to cast your beam farther than you know.

    Much love to you

  20. Sorry, I just couldn't resist reminding you that a similar purse means more leaves. Perhaps you will find something else just as unique when you learn more about the givee.

    Good Luck!

  21. what a wonderful event...and im so glad your purse was such a hit (though no surprise) :) looks like everyone had a great time!

  22. Congratulations and $275.00 was great but I bet if you counted the hours you put in making it it was a bargain. I thought it was wonderful and was going to ask if they were taking online offers but didn't see it until thurs. night and by that time too late but I did see where you said they weren't.

    You are really something to offer to duplicate it. That is always hard to do. You will figure little changes knowing you.



  23. I loved the title of your post-I am so happy you are happy! And how awesome that you know Maura will treasure that bag as much as you treasure her! And a bonus too for Pearl - I'm sure she is more than happy!!

  24. Oh you are beyond fabulous!!!! Pearl must be so very excited to be having a Giving Purse made just for her!!!!! The whole idea snd your fabulous design and implimentation is stunning!!!!Women can rock this world!!!! So ROCK ON GF!!!!!

  25. I just read about this purse, how you made it and the auction, and got a little choked up. What a wonderful thing to make and for such a cause! Love it! And the story behind it. What a wonderful idea!


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Have a wonder-filled life!