
Friday, January 8, 2010

Gertrude's Secret

It is a special week around here. This week I have two friends who are turning 50. (It seems to be going around these days.) And I was wondering what type of small present I could give them to commemorate their coming of age...

Enter Gertrude.

Gertrude has a lot of life experience. She's actually 90 years young and thinks that 50 is just the beginning. The only problem with 50, she says, is that renegade hairs start sprouting from your chin and lip and God knows where else...she even saw one the other day when she was putting on her brassiere...Now don't ask where that was...

And the problem is...we start getting hairs just about the time that we begin losing our eyesight...Somehow, I imagine that our younger friends must overlook our dishabille when a gnarly-looking coarse hair moves up and down on our lip as we delicately sip our afternoon tea...

Don't worry. There's help.

Gertrude is sharing her secret and recommends tweezing just after getting out of the pool or the shower...And she says that Tweezerman makes the best tweezers. They will grasp even the most evasive hairs...and she recommend a 10X travel magnifying mirror so that you can see the blasted intruders.

So I made a little case to house my friends' new beauty tools...And I've joined the fight against female facial hair. It's a cause worth fighting for!

And as I'm walking out the door to take it down the street, there is a light dusting of snow on all the trees and bushes...

It's the perfect setting to show off the fabric postcard that was sent to me by my BNF in France Veronique~ Thank you Veronique! This is my first-ever fabric postcard and I LOVE it.

And as for the rest of you, I'm in the category of being too blind now to see your unwanted facial hair. So to me...

Until next time!


  1. I find my hair on my head is getting thinner as I am getting fatter. I think a appropriate gift for someone my age is a pair of sexy thong panties that I could use to hang on a tree to hold the humminbird feeder. Whatta ya think?? Have a fun day!

    Gerry Krueger
    Spokane, WA

  2. What a lovely gift! (even at 40 my 5 year old son tells me: momma, you have a mustache!)

  3. As usual, your post is fun to read, and so accurate :-)
    THis little gift is beautiful indeed, and I know someone who'd love it too, althought she is just in her mid20's... If I don't tell her were the idea comes from, I'm sure my daughter will be thrilled :-)

  4. Lucky me, my wild woman hairs started around 42! I've had one, that I call my witche's hair, under my chin, since my early 20's. The interesting thing about that one is that the first 1/8th inch of growth is white, the second (closest to my skin) is light brown. How weird am I?!?

  5. Oh, dear, oh dear... I'm feeling old. But beautiful.
    Marty S
    Crackpot Beader

  6. Clever, useful gifts -- and so beautifully packaged. LOL!

  7. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Oh my word ! So funny but so true lol.
    And I'm afraid I'm only 37 !!!!
    Get me some of those tweezers
    - and Gertrude - I love you.
    Shell x

  8. What? You don't let jack pluck your chin hairs? My mom makes me do hers...

  9. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I love Gertrude :) and she is quite right!
    Have a great weekend.

  10. Hi sweetie,
    and thought you might like to keep the design in mind for some of your own work

  11. Gertrude and Madge were fighting over which would be in this post and who could claim this design first!

    Cute gifts, Susan. I think the girls in your group look forward to reaching this milestone and watch with excitement for your visit!

    xx, Carol

  12. Your friend Gert is right on target about 50 being young! She and Madge make quite a team; do you have any more of these gals stashed away somewhere? I am still laughing which is so much better than cleaning closets! Have a great weekend.

  13. I wondered where that picture of me in my bathing suit and hat had gone. I bet Harv sent it to you.

    The main problem is growing on your face is one thing but at the same time you start losing it on your head. Do you think it is jumping from your head to your face?



  14. Clever, creative, and sadly practical for all of us! Thanks for being the MC/lead singer and party girl extrodinaire!

  15. Susan,
    You always make me smile! I haven't got any wild hairs yet but now I'm prepared!!!

  16. I have a magnet on my fridge that reads:

    I refuse to think of them as chin hairs - I consider them to be stray eyebrows

    Works for me :)

    Adorable gift idea! You are so clever....


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Have a wonder-filled life!